What is the main problem you solve for your clients?
Picture this: You are a holistic health and beauty coach. You are offering a 14-day detox program on your website at a hugely discounted price, but nobody is buying your beauty cleanse box complete with shake mix packets and supplements.
What’s up?
Is nobody interested in more vitality, renewed energy and glowing skin? We KNOW that’s not it. It’s probably because you are ignoring psychographics.
What the heck is psychographics?
Psychographics is kinda like demographics. It's harder to figure out, but so critical to knowing how to speak to your ideal client.
Demographic profile identifies the characteristics of someone who NEEDS your product or service.
Psychographic profile identifies the reasons why someone WANTS your product or service.
Most avatar exercises have you outline every detail about your ideal client. Age, gender, location, income, job, what they wear, where they shop…
The problem with avatar exercises is that they explain “who” your buyer is, but don’t focus enough on “why” they buy. This is where psychographics comes in.
Psychographics is understanding your ideal client's personality, values, attitudes, interests, deeper motivations, personality and lifestyle.
Let’s go back to our holistic health and beauty coach, Casey, and create a very basic avatar based on her ideal client.
Demographic Information:
- Female
- Aged 45-65
- Married, with children
- Dealing with issues of weight gain, lack of energy or hormonal imbalance
- Household income $100K+
Psychographic Information:
- Concerned with health and appearance
- Wants a healthy lifestyle, but doesn’t have much time
- Buys based on quality and not price
- Enjoys having both a career and a family
- Uses Facebook to stay connected to friends and family
Once Casey understands what is important to her ideal client then she will know how to find her and how to motivate her. She will know how to give her clients what they want.
The most important question we need to ask is, "What is the MAIN problem Casey solves for her clients?"
Casey works with people who want to feel good and look good. They feel like crap all the time because they are so busy juggling career and a family that they don’t make time to take care of themselves.
The fact that her 14-day detox program is hugely discounted is not what is going to motivate her ideal client to buy because her ideal client buys based on quality and not price.
Casey’s clients are concerned with health and appearance. They want renewed energy and glowing skin, so focusing on the weight loss aspect of her detox program should be secondary.
The testimonials on her website should reflect this. Clients who can confirm that the beauty cleanse has “given me more vitality and made me feel more alive, so that I have the energy to live out my life purpose and enjoy both my career and family” will resonate with her ideal client.
Time is an issue for her ideal client. They want to feel and look better without a huge time commitment. The fact that Casey’s detox program is only 14 days is important. Also, knowing her program only involves some yummy shakes twice a day with supplements, versus a two week fast, is going to be much more appealing.
Do you see how this works?
The PROBLEM you solve is your niche.
Granted, not everyone is going to resonate with your message and your personality. Once you know what problem you are working with, THEN you can start to get more particular about the specific people you want to work with.
So why is the psychographic information so important?
Because it helps you understand your client’s problems.
Here are some questions for you to ask yourself when you think about what problems you want to help people with in your business:
- What is the main problem that your clients are struggling with?
- How does this problem manifest itself and what are some of the secondary problems that stem from the main problem?
- Who has the problems that you want to work on?
- What do your clients want instead? What results are they hoping for?
- What do you currently do or what could you do to solve their problems, fears and concerns?
It is important:
:: To know the REAL struggles of your clients
:: To speak to their specific issue they want solved NOW
:: To relate to them, show them how you've been there
:: Show them how you're going to help them out of whatever issue they have
:: Use clear, simple language and words that your clients would actually use