Here’s the secret to a website that converts visitors into clients
Define the Problem
Are your customers not engaging on your website? Are you not seeing the sales you know you should?
One of the reasons might be because you don't have clarity around the problem that you solve for your clients.
Why is this important?
The only reason people buy from you is to solve a problem. If you have not clearly articulated the problem that you solve on your website then you are leaving money on the table.
The secret to converting your website visitors starts with knowing what the client wants and what their problem is and then positioning yourself as the solution that will solve that problem.
A great message is NOT when your ideal client understands you, it's when your ideal client feels understood by you.
Put yourself in their shoes of your ideal client and ask what is going on.
- What are they worried/stressed about?
- What are they tired of feeling?
- What are they afraid of?
- What keeps them up at night?
External problems vs. internal problems
There are two sides to every problem, and when it comes to your ideal client, those sides are internal and external.
First, let’s look at your ideal client’s external problems. These are problems that others can see and are outwardly facing.
On the flip side of external problems, are internal ones. These are thoughts, emotions, and feelings related to a problem or pain point.
Donald Miller, the author of Building a Storybrand, says it best: Companies tend to sell solutions to external problems, but customers buy solutions to internal problems.
Being able to identify and clearly articulate your ideal client’s internal problems is what will help you build a solid relationship with your audience and trust within your community. Yes, external problems are important to understand and solve because it’s what the world can see. But, solving internal problems is what builds connection to and loyalty from your ideal client.
People don't buy products and services, they buy results.
It's not enough to understand your client's problems. You also have to get crystal clear on the results that you produce. When people buy from you it's because they think that the service or product that you offer will solve their problem and get them a result.
Problem + results = transformation.
Transformation is how your product or service will change their lives.
Identifying your ideal customer’s problem is the key to understanding the client transformation you will provide when they invest in your business.
Each and every client you work with comes to you because they have a problem and they’re looking for you to solve it. More often than not, they’re expecting you, your service or your product to transform some aspect of their lives.
When you understand and can clearly communicate that transformation, not only will you be able to build a stronger connection with that customer, but you’ll also be able to better articulate to potential clients what they can expect from working with you or buying from you.
As you write the copy for your website use the following model:
- Show them that you understand their pain/problem(s)
- Show them that you have a solution to the pain/problem. (Give them the confidence that you have the authority and ability to help them).
- Paint a picture of what success would look like for your clients
- Show them what the transformation is
This is part of the work I do with my clients. If it speaks to you and you’re ready to talk further, I invite you to schedule a complimentary call with me here.