How to create a value proposition that converts

How to create a value proposition that converts featured image

Problem: You don’t have a clear value proposition The first thing a visitor should see when they land on your website is your company name, your logo and a clear value proposition. Your value proposition is a concise chunk of text (headline, sub-headline and maybe a few bullets points) with a visual (photo, hero shot,…

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My most important question

my most important question

Many web designers start with color schemes, fonts, and layouts when they are planning their websites. Goals and objectives should be your starting point. Before you start to develop your website get clear on what you want your website to do, then create a design that works to implement your goals. One of the biggest mistakes…

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Benefits and Solutions Sell, Features Don’t

Benefits and Solutions Sell, Features Do Not blog image

Why will a customer end up choosing you instead of a competitor? It’s because your customer had a problem, and they believed your product or service would solve it. Websites are full of features, specifications, and technical details. But quite often they forget to tell readers what’s in it for them. Features vs. Benefits Features…

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Setting Successful Website Goals

setting successful website goals blog image

My most important question. Here’s the question that I ask every client before beginning a website project: If your website could do just one thing, what would it be? Many people start with color schemes, fonts, and layouts when they are planning their website. Goals and objectives should be your starting point.  Before you start to…

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Why You Should Have An Email Optin Form

Why You Should Have An Email Optin Form blog image

Over 70% of people that leave your website will NEVER return. Gone for good. Unless you can capture their email address, you will never have another chance to speak to them again. If you get their email address, however, you can speak to them anytime you like. As often as you like. And for free.…

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Who is your competition?

Who is your competition

Knowing who your competitors are, and what they are offering, can help you to make your products, services, and marketing stand out.  Ask yourself: What sets your company apart from its competitors? Why would someone choose to work with you over someone else? When you look at competitors you’re not trying to copy what they’re…

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